If every player plays at their BEST
- Sentinels
- Fnatic
- GenG
- Heretics
kfan4238173 [#3]sentinels at 2 is kinda crazy ngl
their ceiling is crazy high (pre-season-Madrid form), obviously not at that level right now but yea
Alr3adyGone [#4]their ceiling is crazy high (pre-season-Madrid form), obviously not at that level right now but yea
they're a good team, but their ceiling isn't as high as the other teams, zellsis and sacy just aren't super insane mechanically
Cookierookie577 [#5]they're a good team, but their ceiling isn't as high as the other teams, zellsis and sacy just aren't super insane mechanically
exactly what im saying.
theyre not a team that has a bunch of x factors like fpx or heretics
kfan4238173 [#3]sentinels at 2 is kinda crazy ngl
Iceland Tenz is arguably the greatest individual LAN showing ever
Zekken’s ceiling is either alongside aspas or over him as best duelist
Sacy was a world champion initiator
JohnQT could be one of the best dragging IGLs of all time
Zellsis is a smart flex that comms well
Maybe 2 was a reach but they most definitely should be on this list somewhere