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to whoever are 100t or sen fans, let me run down how these teams would qualify.

  1. 100t win knockout game. this leaves g2 v 100t and lev v kru/c9. the best possible outcome is that lev wins, and g2/100t(interchangable) wins. that leaves to whoever is in lower bracket, beats either c9/kru. this establishes the top 3 of playoffs of lev, 100t, g2. this would qualify sen to champs as there are 4 teams in na to reach champs, 3 of which qualify through playoffs and 1 through points.

  2. sen win knockout game. this leaves g2 v sen and lev v kru/c9. lev needs to win that matchup, and it doesnt matter who wins between sen or g2, as long as one of those teams beat kru/c9, the top 3 is sen, lev, g2. that then also leaves 100t to qualify through championship points


both are mid

will get destroyed by DRX on champs


SEN for sure want 100T and LEV to win if they lose in single elim, they don't want G2/C9/KRU

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