They will win every match from now on. That's it. I've seen enough. TuyZ is the GOAT.
6--4 is easy playoffs.
It’s mibr chill
Platypusdude [#2] It’s mibr chill
Not at all, their synergie is immaculate.
calm down
tempacc123 [#3] Not at all, their synergie is immaculate.
Loud just got thriftied by MIBR in the 12th round are you sure bout that lol.
Yeah prob bc 100t are ass so that last spot prob goes to loud
nihso [#6] Yeah prob bc 100t are ass so that last spot prob goes to loud
what about EG?
anyth1ng [#7] what about EG?
G2 ain't qualing to playoffs so loud eg will qual
LOUD win out, EG win out, G2 fall-off incoming