Perfect Lev

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Mazino is great since he is back to Flex and not full smokes, a bit inconsistent but great
aspas is aspas
Tex improved a lot and adapted really well
kiNgg is amazing, but as igl... not so good and having that position affects playing at his 100% level
these 4 players have big firepower and Lev needs an IGL, who takes the place of c0m bc he is underperforming the entire year, someone who has good synergy with everyone, someone like... Nzr! LMAO
and if you want it even better, bring Onur because lev has good ideas but sometimes they stumble on their own game bases bc they have some holes, things like losing almost every round with a first kill advantage, come on man

kicking them both out has to be the biggest troll ever, it's so depressing.


my problem with c0m is his inconsistency. His util is good most of the time, but his aim and movement around the map is very inconsistent. Sometimes he does decently and does his job and sometimes he just ghosts


Perfect and LEV does not belong in the same sentence

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