why Florscent will not go to t1

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even if Florescent is good enough for t1 (not really but lets just say), there is absolutely NO REASON to go.

  1. staying in GC makes Florescent best player, while tier 1 will make Florescent an average player max.
  2. Coming first in GC champs gives you more money than 4th in normal champs. winning GC sounds way easier than being part of top 3 teams in the world. Regular split for GC has prize money while regular split for tier one doesnt. considering masters prize pool + org payment, i think you have to be at least top 10 in the world in T1 to make more money than in gc
  3. its pretty clear florescent doesn't want to show up to public. if you are in t1 you kinda have to show upto the public A LOT.

blah blah blah who cares


the only real benefit for her going into franchising/t2 would be competitive spirit. higher chance of having a bigger achievement while probably becoming a better player than playing in gc. its impossible to say she just won't do it/try to, and there isn't "no reason" to try, but yeah, a lot of gc players and similarly, t2 players with large social media followings, are highly incentivized not to commit to t1


g2 gonna win this year tho so flor will get second at gc champs at most

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