Suggest me some good sci fi novels/books with philosophical touch.
InevitableDeer [#8]hitchhikers guide to the galaxy if u havent read already
I think Elon also recommended this series. Is it really that good ?
Check out stuff from exurb1a. He has awesome YouTube videos AND great books. Try out a couple of his videos, If you like them go for his books.
I'd suggest starting here -
Most his videos are goated though.
Ragnarok745 [#11]Check out stuff from exurb1a. He has awesome YouTube videos AND great books. Try out a couple of his videos, If you like them go for his books.
I'd suggest starting here -
Most his videos are goated though.
Thanks will give it a try.
not a sci fi novel nor a sci fi book
but i reccomend you the banality of evil, by hannah arendt
it talks about the adolf eichmann crime process in tel aviv
and it explains how the evil is in fact banal in the people that lack of critic sense. by making them part of the holocaust just by making them think its a burocratic process, gave throught an order by adolf hitler
i really think this book is a good book, since it is even a real story