RRQ most overrated team this split?


Many people said that they would qualify for the champ. They have a new coach and new player with only three weeks to practice.

Qualify chance Analyse:
They need to beat GENG (whom they have a high chance of facing in the first playoff round), Talon (in split 2 or the first playoff round), and either DRX or PRX(double elim) to qualify for the champ

Team Analyse:
Trust me, with a new coach and player, the first game next week against DFM(This core play together for a years with the top APAC duelist Meiy) will be a struggle for them. When compared to teams like Talon, DRX, and PRX, I believe they will win at most one game(fluke like geng game) against TOP3 teams of the group. Even a playoff spot is still difficult for RRQ

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