Another vlr smoke selling

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But all vlr told me that prx was going to win Shanghai easily 😨😨😨😨😨😨


PRX frauds


they threw legit everyting sunset legit forsaken alone won that game score line wouldve not been close if we stopped tossing icebox is the worst throwing session i have ever seen since FPX vs PRX grand finals they gotta get more disciplined and get a mental coach there game play is almost perfect aside there only two issues are throwing first picks(they get ALOT of first picks which aren't traded) and they mental assistant coach wouldn't hurt and tbh there comps this year are actually good aside from breeze
the core is so good and talented no one can tell otherwise but there gameplay looks like they are a tier 2 team with zero coaching if you give them to potter for example they would legit speedrun every event i think alecks gotta go tbh

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