The eternal cycle of the APAC dynasties


Mostly just PRX and DRX but low-key zeta as well on a much lower scale.

Stage 1: Obliterate domestic competition with superior fundamentals and firepower
"We are so good, NA and EMEA are boutta get fucked"
Stage 2: Don't do anything to innovate, don't address clear flaws that exist but weren't exposed by weaker domestic competition, get booty butt fucked at lan
"We're cooked, kick everyone, let's all jump off a bridge"
Stage 3: take that as a wake up call, start to cook and reinvent themselves, Obliterate domestic competition even harder.
"We are so back"
Stage 4: Come to international event, smack some teams around until they reach a bo5/5&6 spot, than choke
"I'm gonna kill myself, we should just kick everyone and start over"

Karon please God save us from this unholy cycle

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