I miss the old b0tster

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Parody of I miss the old yayster by number2_cNed_fan

i miss the old b0tster, Straight from the go b0tster
diff all IGLs b0tster, set on his goals b0tster.
I hate the new b0tster, the bad skills b0tster
The always negative b0tster, 2 and 15 b0tster
I miss the sweet b0tster, chop up the heads b0tster.
I gotta say at the time I'd like to meet b0tster.
see i invented b0tster, it wasnt any b0tster.
And now i look and look around and there so many b0tster.
I used to love b0tster, I used to love b0tster.
I even had perlude to chaos i thought i was b0tster.
What if b0tster made a post about b0tster
Called "I miss the old b0tster", man that would be so b0tster.
that all it was b0tster, but all there left is b0tster.
and ur a fraud as much as the mods loves b0tster.


its a kanye song haha

cned fan didn't come up with this


nope its all me


I remember when Boaster outcalled everyone, pre 2023 FNC rosters had crazy plays but not the aim to back it up. His time might be up sadly. Will still be remembered as one of the pioneers of IGLing in Valorant with FNS and Saadhak. Hope he sticks as a coach or something.

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