I know y'all were and still are praying on our downfall but we will prevail no matter what
We will carry EMEA again don't you worry lads
Yes I'm part of the team
Fnatic v the world part 4 (the rise)
Asuna_Yuuki [#2]Sad that EMEA has only had 1 internationally competitive team for years
FUT comeback in coming
Asuna_Yuuki [#2]Sad that EMEA has only had 1 internationally competitive team for years
For sure feels bad man
TH at champs will be another team to carry EMEA with us tho I fully believe maybe NAVI as well with how much experience and damn hunger they will have.
This masters is just gonna be fnatic v the rest
maplesy [#5]are praying on our downfall
Why do I have to pray for something thats already happened?
We'll see brother