S3xture off game, prx is our last hope 😭😭😭😭
Prx is your last hope? Unlucky
Kirya [#2] Prx is your last hope? Unlucky
will be 2 place again
surely the biggest chokers in val history (no disrespect this is true) arent your last hope
PRX wont win mark my words haha
Julia_Boaskivisk [#3] will be 2 place again
Never fucking mind
Brother overreacted over one game. Cmon man, you know this is how GenG starts most of their series HAHAHA
It's so OVER 😭😭😭
Wisterfulsson [#8] Brother overreacted over one game. Cmon man, you know this is how GenG starts most of their series HAHAHA
It actually works 😎