Imo KR/BR are like a tier 1.5 region and should be ranked equally behind EMEA/NA
KR has a few T1 teams, but very little competition
BR is the opposite, having a lot of competition, but very little (if any) good international teams
FireII [#2]Brazil has a bunch of teams that don't survive in international competition. At least Korea's teams can make some noise on the international stage. I do think any of Korea's top 5 teams are better than Brazil's.
KR have these teams because they have all the best players in the same team. In Brazil all the stars are splited ...
cryyBAE [#3]KR have these teams because they have all the best players in the same team. In Brazil all the stars are splited ...
Not true, there was no "superteam" during Iceland and Korea had a top 3 finish. Vision Strikers are one step above of the rest of the region, but the other 4 teams (NU, DWG, F4Q, TNL) are very close.
JettOnetap [#6]BR is historically a strong FPS region and KR is also a strong esports region in general so both of them have a big potential. NA=EMEA>KR=BR fair enough but if BR disappoints in this Masters again, then BR needs more time to catch up
this thread was pretty much made to say that regions should be rated off of quality and quantity
a region is not only as good as their best team
Flizzi [#7]BR have big potential
I think they might have a rough time in Berlin/Champions but once they are able to form a superteam, they will be a real contender, just like CSGO
the reason kr have a small number of teams is cause they are required to be at venue every match. a lot of teams cant afford to do that rn with covid raging on. so only 24 or so teams apply cause they will be required to live/rent near the venue for 7 months in a year, which is a hard ask for most teams. also kr are definitely a tier over br, vks and shk boomed last tourney.