Duelists and Supporters shouldnt be rated same in Ranked. Meanwhile while Duelists who frag a lot because they get good support get rewarded so good they can skip Ranks easily while the supporters who do everything to control the Game get rewarded really bad cuz they don't frag as much as the Duelist and are stuck in their elo cuz theres no guarantee they will win every Game thats important to Rank Up. It reads weird but it's the truth. You aren't supposed to frag and decide Games with fragging. So who pick Duelists should get punished harder for failing while Supporters should not get that much punished cuz it's not their bad when the entry fraggers fail.
Why? So People take more responsibility when insta locking Duelists. That would punish those trash instalockers that can't even play the Game properly. That would motivate the people to play more Supporters as its supposed to be.
Those Gold Jetts who think they are cNeds lost sons would struggle in Bronze Elo (sooner or later) with their trash Aim and and behavior also people would not play on Servers where they have 80-90 Ping cuz a lose on a Duelist with this Ping would mean you derank faster than you think. Stay in your Region!
Don't let everyone Pick Agents at same time. Let the Top ones pick first and if he makes a Pick the next one pick. Avoid Instalocking for no reason.
There should be FF Option every 3 Rounds because some People are declining the FF cuz they wanna play 1-2 more Rounds and try something and if that fails too they would like to FF but can't cuz you can only do it 1 time each side.
Remove Remake Option cuz it gets abused to much and big efforts in first Round are getting wasted and that's not how a Game should be. People can stay Afk when they see they start Attacker side against like 5 Sentinels and just remake.
There should be a Side decider Round with random Guns (all same) at beginning. It's not fair starting randomly Attacker or Defender.
Feel free to add more things Riot should do. Im in close contact with Valorant Devs and they will check this Thread out soon and fix the Game hopefully!