Is it just me or casters are glazing FNC alot more than TH
goofyahh1447 [#2]they know FNC are just saving strats for shanghai
navi is doing the same thing after they qualified
its common
they can’t stop glazing, i remember at madrid there was a match between kc and another team and it was the pansy caster duo and they said kc was looking like fnatic after they did a good retake
like bro why are you mentioning a team that isn’t even at the tournament just praise the team on its on merits without a comparison
CarnageBTC [#6]they do this every time...cant really blame them bcoz fnc has won 2 trophies but they should not be this biased specially when FNC is not that good now
that's my point benjy got 2 kills where he shouldn't even get 1 there are like good play
FNC won using lineups classic FNC round LFG
Wr4th [#8]that's my point benjy got 2 kills where he shouldn't even get 1 there are like good play
FNC won using lineups classic FNC round LFG
its sad