The Perfect Site Execute

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Any IGLs --- Please suggest if you find any flaw in the strat and i will try to improve it

Tried to fully perfect the FPX B split Strat Masters
Comp - Phoenix , Breach , Omen , Cypher , Sova
Execute -> (B - Split - Omen Sova stay B main Breach phoenix Cypher go mid )

  1. Sova recons close mid
  2. Omen smokes deep mid
  3. Breach clears Pizza with Aftershock
  4. Phoenix flashes Market
  5. Omen smokes Ct
  6. Break the doors
  7. Omen at B main flashes b Switch so that Mid players can peek after breaking the doors
  8. Sova recons B site and Shock Darts 1st Lane to break KJ util and Cypher trips
  9. Phoenix and Cypher goes 2 nd Lane and Breach flashes sites for them
  10. Breach stays Cubby , Sova stays B main while Phoenix , Breach and Omen stay site for Post Plants

Complications -

  1. When you smoke Deep mid a guy could be playing Close to the smoke and peek you taking advantage of the timing so they cypher should place a trip and clear arch with his camera
  2. The only angle where you will have to dry peek is the Cubby so a guy should always check that
  3. You cant use this strat too often cause the teams would know that you arent taking A main control and they will most likely push High mid early round and pick you off at mid
  4. A guy could be playing backsite , so you shouldnt peek him alone and try to trade your mate even if he dies
  5. People may push the CT smoke , so the phoenix must use the molly there while crossing

Post Plant -

  1. By the time you have taken B site control , you will still have the Sova Drone , Breach fortline , Sova recon in 30 seconds
  2. Breach Fortline CT when the CT smoke dissapears
  3. Sova drone and tag the Market guy and site guys wallbang him
  4. Sova tries to buy as much time as possible from B main or may even fully rotate market to backstab them
  5. Back your aim
  6. Dont whiff <3

What a shit comp dude. U use this comp to win one round but then lose the next 13

PrTsty [#2]

What a shit comp dude. U use this comp to win one round but then lose the next 13

Thats FPX dude

Mrityunjay [#3]

Thats FPX dude

Well they are shit so makes sense


A good opper can smoke recon dart and peek again gets 1 kill than dash away now attackers 4 defenders 5 ?

Ryxof [#5]

A good opper can smoke recon dart and peek again gets 1 kill than dash away now attackers 4 defenders 5 ?

Thats why u cant do this every round and if u have a good igl , he will use the Sova drone to clear the Oper and if someone else shoots the drone for him , they can do ez b fast

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