He has the most aggravating wrong takes! Seems like he has the least amount of knowledge of the game. What are your thoughts on him?
he is an alcoholic
Bruh really?
Wait til you find out the bottle habits of your favorite T1 players
yo i have korean friends and they drink more than the germans. Ive seen mfs down like 2 bottle of soju.
buddy has not seen EDG's smoking habits
that's achillios
nah he's fine. he's the only one that believed in GenG winning it all back in kickoff
most of the pacific analysts/casters seem pretty lost tbh
achillios is da goat
eLiMiNaTiOn, oMg AnOtHeR eLimInAtIoN, 15 eLiMiNaTiOnS fOr dep aLrEaDy, hE mIgHt bE tHe BeSt dUeLiSt iN tHe ReGiOn, MaYbE mAyBe
https://youtube.com/shorts/YkvK8O6E3-U Maybe this oughta change your mind
my mind has been changed
Which wrong take?