Team obsession

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real question

Team identity is very common in sports all around the world regardless how developed your region is in x sport. The reason is usually because specific provinces or sub-regions create clubs that represent the fans via region or birth-place which causes fans to grow engaged and root socially as a local community.

In esports why is it like this. Why are the fans of specific orgs (SEN/100T) so parasocial to orgs that they have no connection to. Is it just a “celebrity” type club where you root for x team because z person is famous? I can see the argument for huge teams like faze, liquid and navi in cs or optic, fnatic and prx where the teams are so dominant that they immediately represent their own regions ( faze/EU liquid/NA spirit/cis ), but what about the sub division of teams who rarely if not ever see any mainstream international success in the sport. Why do they still have crazy parasocial fans that treat these guys like gods?

This is for a survey btw


anyway old stinky cat win


they dont have a life


Is it esports only though? Feels like I see it in the music industry as well

ColdWKey [#4]

Is it esports only though? Feels like I see it in the music industry as well

worshipping artists can also be very weird, but I think a lot of people find more of themselves in the emotion, feelings and struggles music tries to engage with. It might just be a more normalised thing so there’s less stigma around it, but I can’t really put

  • Listening to every drake, weeknd and Taylor Swift album
  • Paying streamers/players 5 dollars a month and heavily engaging in a community where you are a nobody to other chatter and the streamer you’re supporting

On the same pillar. Maybe it’s a bad comparison tho my brain is fried rn

XtraChrxs [#2]

anyway old stinky cat win



In my opinion, it is because humans are social animals. We as humans we tend to feel safer being apart of a group. Some of us can go into the extreme and even feel like their life(orgs, sports teams, singers) is apart of ours, so every little backlash they receive is reciprocated by the fans defending them because it feels like THEY are being attacked. This is in almost every industry, not just the orgs. They tend to incline to what seems perfect. They idolize people who have made it in their life, and it makes them genuinely happy, as if they also made it. It becomes an obsession. Just like how you would smoke a cigarette for the first three-four times, you will keep falling and falling into obsession. We seek connection and belonging.

Yours truly,



TeoEmil [#5]

worshipping artists can also be very weird, but I think a lot of people find more of themselves in the emotion, feelings and struggles music tries to engage with. It might just be a more normalised thing so there’s less stigma around it, but I can’t really put

  • Listening to every drake, weeknd and Taylor Swift album
  • Paying streamers/players 5 dollars a month and heavily engaging in a community where you are a nobody to other chatter and the streamer you’re supporting

On the same pillar. Maybe it’s a bad comparison tho my brain is fried rn

I agree with the comparison but I do believe it depends on the streamer size like if you have a small streamer most likely their community isn't big so you as a chatter probably mean a lot to them and aren't just a number in the view count

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