- Make flashes his primary util, flashes are rechargeable OR he gets 1 flash per 2 kills
- Wall doesnt hurt teammates
- Wall only hurts enemies
- Stuns last longer
- maker her E run her a bit faster
- 2 walls is must
- double tap doesnt need a kill to get activated, when you press E you automatically get a sheild, reduce its count to 1, you can refresh shield every 2 kills, duration is 15 sec
Reyna - Reduce flash price to 200
- he is way too good for solo carry, the only reason he aint nerfed yet is because he is underutilized in pro play.
Jett & Raze
- they dont need a nerf, they only have high pickrates because other duelists fucking suck, if they nerf these 2 even more then fuck riot honestly