Title Me: Izzy
Mdkns [#2] Sheydos
Izzy or Nats
Noyn [#4] Izzy or Nats
Only 1 dude :)
KobssTV [#5] Only 1 dude :)
It depends on who wins, I think it will be SMB, so Izzy
Russ, he's been silent for too many games now
russz or nats ig
Paura as allways
Paura turko izzy russ brave sheydos chronicle nats redgar deffo …one of these guys for sure you gonna see
feaN [#11] Paura turko izzy russ brave sheydos chronicle nats redgar deffo …one of these guys for sure you gonna see
BatChest TENZ
Netero [#13] BatChest TENZ
TenZ will have bonkar stats vs SMB or Gambit so 0/8
Itsover [#14] TenZ will have bonkar stats vs SMB or Gambit so 0/8
hahahahaha! like Derke against SEN?
Netero [#15] hahahahaha! like Derke against SEN?
Yes, just like that.
Itsover [#16] Yes, just like that.
Netero [#17] hahahahaha!
Bonkar>TenZ btw
Itsover [#18] Bonkar>TenZ btw
Netero [#19] hahahahahaha!
fuck of Netero
Sketchy2k21 [#20] fuck of Netero
hey man why you always say that to me?
Netero [#21] hey man why you always say that to me?
fuck off Netero
i just love doing that
Sketchy2k21 [#22] fuck off Netero
bruv wtf
Netero [#24] bruv wtf