NRG is 2023 SEN

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Not saying they’re bad, they’re cracked, but their Macro gameplay is so fucking bad even Chet admitted it:


Hence why their Breeze looks insane, because that map is so tactically dogshit you don’t have to care about macros. Whereas games like Bind or Split where you have to setup your duelist for success to entry or have good midround calls is where they fail at.

This is the same as 2023 SEN where they would win rounds individually (pancada 🙏) but on a macro gameplay level they have no fucking clue in addition to role issues. SEN lost every split game in 2023 bar v 100t

They just need more time having real game experience that aren’t scrims and for Ethan to start polishing his calling


Bumping this cause I need attention. NRG is going to be exposed how bad their map pool and macros are vs EG

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