This is just a waste of my time. Arguing with someone who is using arguments built upon non-existent facts and false news is impossible. You have no understanding of this subject nor do you even live in the same country as me. Admit that you are WRONG and stop digging yourself deeper and deeper in your own lies, or maybe you are just that lost that you can not even accept that you are wrong when handed CONCRETE evidence debunking your whole premise, then i feel bad for you and the people around you because that is an internal issue that is going to hurt you a lot.
I do not need to look into what a trans person. Firstly I do not care. Secondly, in my field of work there is no trans people. The law only recognizes TWO genders, male and female. And living in a country where a third gender is not widely accepted, I would embarrass my self more by recognizing a third gender than if I did not.
You refer to "ethics and empathy" like that is relevant when it is really not. The truth does not care about "ethics and empathy".I choose to live my life according to the truth not fantasy.
Personal attacks on me just further proves that I am right and you are wrong. And to the last sentence "hope this helps :)" why would I need help from someone with no juridical experience or education?
Hope I brought you back to reality and that you can stop spreading lies, biological misinformation and stop poisoning weak peoples mind into believing in your lies.