Chill on the loud hate

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Just woke up and saw the results. i didn't know we were saving strats this early but it is what it is. It's literally so obvious that they're saving all of the strats for good teams like kru, sen and g2 that we've to beat later on. Qck had a very rare off day i heard someone say he was sick so thag might be the case. Anyways we're still qualifying nonetheless.


Holy gigacope. Every match counts for circuit points, LOUD knows that. No one on that team is stupid enough to practice three weeks for 2 matches and not use what they practiced.

Docta [#2]

Holy gigacope. Every match counts for circuit points, LOUD knows that. No one on that team is stupid enough to practice three weeks for 2 matches and not use what they practiced.

maybe they had a bad stomach? there's definitely some reasoning behind that lose otherwise everyone knows we would NEVER lose to a mid team like C9

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