how did he get into dfm instead of actual proven t2 japanese controller
Same explanation has already been given, he was on the same Detonation team as coach melofovia when he played PUBG, in other words,
he is a completely nepotistic hire.
However, his situation is complicated.
He was hired as a 6th man, with Valorant track record being modest even Tier2, and was not scheduled to play starting member.
DFM results in off-season were very poor, Joxjo/Suggest left and popogachi did not come to Korea.
Top JP players such as Fennel have turned down offers to DFM.
If there is no prospect of recruiting JP best players, then DFM will have to face league with remaining options (like CR players).
In other words, no one expected any more from DFM situation.
In reality, however, return Anthem and success of SSeeS/Medusa earned us a win from T1.
We are most perplexed by the fact that we have already surpassed last year's results.