I have been a Nike boi for a long time but recently converted to adidus.
adidas wipes nike
idc whatever has the nicer looking shoe when i need new ones
beb0p ii had a question for you..
Netero [#4] beb0p ii had a question for you..
White bread
beb0p [#5] White bread
oh ok thx!
Addidas makes better quality products
FireII [#2] adidas wipes nike
jordan 3-0s adidas
checks over stripes
nike for bball shoes. adidas for everything else
nike cause of jordan 1s
Nike for shoes but adidas for anything else
Kyrex [#9] checks over stripes
people who say a different option are the exact same people who say water on a pepsi/coke poll
I normally go for the one i think is more beautiful between the two.
Cannot wear sports shoes other than soft soled Adidas shoes. idk why
Nike is not fair to fish, while adidas have pool with fish and check if live so it is not dirty for water in ocean. Pls help the turtles
the only model i like from adidas are the nmds and yeezy 350s < Nike overall
long time no see