this is what high level gameplay looks like, 2nd best team itw vs. 3rd best team itw
GenG and PRX clear your region (currently)
Atpdel [#4]0 trophy region💀
emea so stupid their only argument is "0 trophy" shut up you guys currently dont even have a team only thing your region does is brawl it out in last 15 sec cuz no team have idea how to play their bronze comp, only thing good about your region is cNed and Ange1
BruteAXE [#6]emea so stupid their only argument is "0 trophy" shut up you guys currently dont even have a team only thing your region does is brawl it out in last 15 sec cuz no team have idea how to play their bronze comp, only thing good about your region is cNed and Ange1
BruteAXE [#9]lmao yeah my indian bros are stupid
edit: also get better argument
go back to mobile gaming :D
pullupthen [#7]0 TROPHY REGION TALKING
it’s not like you guys are doing anything with those trophies though 💀
if anything, EMEA has gotten worse and worse since champs 2021
Sir_Johnny123 [#18]India is massive for mobile esports.. .No ?
yup but i hate those games, just brain dead see and shoot with 7 fingers on phone with high sens where you cant see sht
and even mobile esports look like its dying now