Valorant agent lore power ranking

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Based of my nerd brain
weakest at the top

Cypher only thing going for him is hacking into peoples nerve system with his ult, else just based on technology
Brimstone buff army guy, able to call in an orbital laser and leader, but else he lacks in individual power
killjoy incredibly smart + detain, developed defuser but also uses technology to compensate individual power
raze again bases power off of technology, but edges out the others because of huge rocket
sova again, technology, but has a huge laser he can shoot through walls + has an encounter with mirror self behind him
chamber radianite infused guns, can teleport (weakest of the 3 tps) and extremely rich, also blew up fracture, this could move him up a few spots
viper has literal poison gas, also makes people take more damage + invented technology to save reynas sister which requires souls to function
deadlock technology based, but has survived an encounter with a radianite creature that we dont know about but seems to have been powerful (untrustful to
gekkos creatures)
breachmechanical arms make him extremely powerful, can stun people + has experience from criminal family
harbor uses an ancient artifact that gives him the ability to control water, has been confirmed that he cannot use its full power tho
fade can disable peoples hearing somehow, also blackmailed the entire valorant squad with infoirmation she got on them somehow, first time someone did that
kayo could definitely place higher or lower, but up here because of his supress able to turn off high tech stuff and literal magic powers at the same time, also a killing machine designed to kill radianites, but in my opinion gets diffed by the rest above him
gekko can summon creatures, resummon them, also seem to have some kind of intelligence? (wingman mainly) also 1 shot molly and detain
jett can move super fast, able to glide, updraft + dash hint to some kind of air manipulation, partially aware of the game
skye can create life with her powers, also can control them, not limited to dog and bird, but not used by her, also able to heal people
sage can create a jade wall out of thin air, can heal people fully, also can ressurect people just because, hinted limit to her poower? (omen voiceline)
phoenix can bend fire, also can give himself a second life, and hes from london, also partially aware of the gameplay loop
astra can project to the astral plane and manipulate reality by placing her stars (i do not consider these literal stars) but still, and her wall that blocks bullets
omen survived an explosion that ripped him apart, being held together by radianite power, can teleport to anyhwere almost instantly by crossing into his smoke realm, also another limited teleport
yoru can shift himself into another dimension with his ult, can create a copy of himself that actually fools other people (not his old dogshit footsteps), takes his flash from another dsimension aswell, can teleport to anywhere if he sets it up
Iso bulletproof wall to start, and making himself invincible to any hit by killing another person, also his ult creates another dimension temporarily (Domain Expansion)
Neon withstands the amount of electricity she generates, said to be a million volts (powered a portal to another dimension), powers herself up with electricity
also shoots lighning from her fingers (all this while wearing a limiter
reyna well so she kinda just kills people and uses their souls to get stronger, (heals herself by sucking up someones soul and becomes invincible for a while after consuming it, not to say her ult that does both) not much more to say
Clove definitely the strongest agent off of lore. able to revive themself/literal immortality, can use their powers after dying, also healing themself by NOT KILLING, but just shooting someone else

tbh the top 10-2 is quite interchangeable, this is also in my opinion




astra should be higher wtf...clove, astra, neon is top 3...


reyna cant be higher than kay/o, he already killed her in the other time



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