is lakia a mastermind?

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has the highest clutch rate in Madrid, and is on one of the best teams in world even with his sub-par statistics. like this guy has arguably one of the most bipolar performances ever he does well like a few rounds and then the rest of the time it's like he's being paid to throw. lakia will be my goat of the tournament no matter what but I feel like he's getting a lot of hate so I just wanted to show my application for this amazing guy!


the man really doesnt get the respect he deserves.

Lil Lakia>>>>>>>>>>>


He’s just letting his teammates shine
W teammate


People just don't know he could've been the international GOAT. Top 3 at the very first masters in 2021 (with one of the hypest plays of early international valorant) , and now at the very least top 2 finish here in Madrid.

When he joined VS it sent his career downward, and they kind of did him dirty. If he had not joined them, and if his wrist was never injured, he would've been at the very top of APAC for these past years. I'm just glad to see him doing better.

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