the next kru

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Today we are going to talk about what I think would be the best for Kru, let's start with the technical staff, although atom and ddx are very good coaches I feel that they need a more solid structure, onur will be free in a few months, they could integrate him As an assistant to the coach since DDX is only an analyst, I think it would give a big boost in strategy and demands to the group.

If we go to the roster I think there can be big and unexpected role changes, keznit has said many times that he would love to be igl since he contributes a lot during the maps, if you see the team coms it is always he who directs and proposes ideas, he himself also said that his next role would be sentinel since he has good timing and so he could combine it being igl, continuing with shyy from the past being the initiator where he shined most in his career, I think it is a good bet and they should only polish his role since he has a lot of aim but he lacks a pool of agents to be able to meet the needs of the team, my base for the team is serious, we would need a duelist and a smoker, many would call me crazy for taking keznit as a duelist but I think he would contribute to the team in any role since his way of playing allows him to have a lot of impact. If the team is training with Heat, I would love to see him as a duelist, the operator he has is one of the best on the planet and they could play double duelist with keznit. Here comes the most doubtful point that people believe is impossible but I would say that it is more possible than they believe, how would Pancada be in Kru, returning to the role where he became world champion and where he had the most clubs, being a smoker, for me this team It is to be feared since I would have 5 players with very high shooting power, I would have plenty of experience and a better quality staff, although there are good players in Latin to replace Klaus and Melser, but I feel that if the team wants to bet on To be world champion, it must include Brazilians as a group or heat, I know there are more players but for me this would be a huge upgrade for the club and for the fans' hype.




whole lotta yap to still be the worst team in the league


what does this mean for c9

ntro [#3]

whole lotta yap to still be the worst team in the league

no way you say that with that flair

valorant_player [#5]

no way you say that with that flair

what does anything in this thread have to do with liquid


KRU Heat is fire


Escribiste mas que la chucha y mas encima puras weas, desintala

Eltioconcho [#8]

Escribiste mas que la chucha y mas encima puras weas, desintala

cierra el osico ctm, tu mamá es weona

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