bro is humble said that fpx player can kill them all then said OVERDOGS. More humble than fraud semen1
yayray [#3]funny thing n4rrate said he hated emea FRANCE teams the most during NA and look where he is now maybe joking but IDK
X6MCOMP [#4]any americas superstar is doing what n4rrate is doing in that fraud region
Right that’s why the best na team last year got 3-0 by Fnatic ?
yawnster [#5]Source?
if you go to his vlr im pretty sure theres a post where he makes fun of a guy for being french or something
Rocky54 [#6]Right that’s why the best na team last year got 3-0 by Fnatic ?
just bc fnatic is(was) good doesnt mean EMEA isnt a fraud region LMAO