vlr users i could beat 1v1

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Idk but that is not relevant


so, they are stronger, superior in every way, more hardworking, but none of them can throw hands.

And i will tell you why, most of private school boys don't have to work for what they have, they are spoiled, they haven't gone through tough times. I have had friends in private schools and most of them never knew what struggling meant, or having to defend theirselves.


Tbh most Private school kids are focused on studies and don’t care that much about sports

Thats why they probably aren’t UFC fighters

It doesn’t mean they are weaker though because they still work out and try to stay in shape

Also private school kids are not the spoiled brats you think they are. That is public school propaganda


I have friends in both ends, both private schools and public schools.
My niece also went to Private school.

And although private school kids do study more and have better conditions to do so , in my time with both, public school kids were actually the ones going more to the gym.
and yes, weak times create weak men, tough times create tough men, private school kids are more prone to be weaker and have a different mentality.

And if you are going to pop up in a 1v1 thread and say private school kids would win or atleast make it like so, why is there no one like that in the ufc? or boxing even? Its extremely valid to point this out.

Although not everyone in private school is spoiled, they are way more likely to be than the public school ones, and this is a fact.

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