I don't know if this is just an American thing but I stumbled upon DFM's tracker and noticed that they're duoed with losing for 253/13.315789473684210526315789473684 matches in 2 years only and that they've been doing together this hard for the past 2 years. They also follow each other on twitter but winning doesn't follow them...
They wake up early almost every day just to duo with losing and with all the duo romance going on this feels kinda weird but idk if you guys fuck with that kinda stuff in America. I mean its clear that they have something special going on and I'm sure winning is aware of that because 253/13.315789473684210526315789473684 matches in the past 2 years ALONE is record breaking, I've never seen any duo in Valorant spend that much time together.
In EU we're not really comfortable letting another spend that much time together with our who sound like they're practically flirting in matches, I think this situation is part of why DFM is still washed after two whole years. winning again doesn't even follow them back, it's clear that they doesn't really like winning.
What are we thinking?