sonofgod not being in Tier 1 is a Greek tragedy

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Literally making things up now? Show me anywhere I said he was bad. Me bringing up the YFP game was a shit post and I didn’t even say he was bad because of it. A totally different user said he would be get eliminated ro64. The truth is I think car is a good player who could one day MAYBE develop into a great t1 talent, unlike you bozos claiming he’s T1 already.


what’s going on in #3? also ig we on the same page then, but i never said that. he should automatically be in tier 1.


not playing ro64 open quals

As in playing tougher competition than ro64 open quals. I hope he quals for tier 2 it would be a massive growth opportunity for him and his team.

My point was I want to see him frag out against higher level comp, something he hasn’t done yet (because he hasn’t had the opportunity, not necessarily because he can’t) which was my entire basis of saying he’s not tier 1 ready which was the entire point of OPs original post. After that we just got into a bitching match which was pretty cringe and I apologize for the flaming.

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