, i lost the tiermaker link sorry
Edit: I accidentally swapped A with A+, ignore that.
a comunidade br ta subestimando mt a kru, sla eu acho eles melhores q a furia por exemplo
Furia A+ and RRQ that low💀 RRQ are contenders for pacific top2
I swap A+ with A kekw, A+ should be Loud and Navi and A: BBL, FUT, Furia, DRX and TL.
And Rex will be Top 6 Apac max
bad 👍
legit one of the worst tierlists I have ever seen other than knowing the obvious 7 contenders the list is atrocious
this shit is ASS
nahhhh the bbl dickriding is insane
So much desbelief on BBL, they will cook everyone
RRQ are top 2 apac
They will be top 6 max my brother
the team is looking decent though
Well let's see