Why EMEA fans are actually pathetic

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look you're probably a nice guy from this response but you can't cave in like this to defuse an argument.

To be clear: I agree with your statement that fans who don't take the time to learn about the team they're "supporting" are generally bad and create negative experiences for everyone.

This isn't my argument nor do I agree with it. I think fans who don't take the time to learn about the team they're supporting are simply dumb and I'm calling them out for it, I don't think they're generally bad nor do they create a negative experience to anyone really unless they actively do so, like them going out of their way to make fun of other teams and how their team they're "supporting" is way better n shit like that.

I'm guessing that you probably don't actually agree with the statement you claim to be agreeing with to sort of end it all on good terms, but you don't need to lie like that.


I disagree with your interpretation of my actions. I misinterpreted your original post (probably due to your brash/semi-aggressive tone). I understood the point you were getting at, and I agreed with it. That's all there is to it, and I can't imagine how I would type things I don't believe in (unless for comedy/joke but this is not the case).

I swear on my favorite succulent that my words are true.


just to make things clear again, the statement you provided is not my argument nor do I agree with it. It's not the point of my post.


Once again, it's definitely due to my misinterpretation of your post, but from what I understood with my limited English knowledge (I'm not native), your point lies in this statement:

"EMEA frogs on the other hand will pray to god that whatever strong team they have in the league will win an international title so they can dick ride them and gloat that theyre the best region despite the fact that they know jack shit about any of the players that won shit at all."

I'm agreeing with your point that EMEA frogs will bandwagon whatever good team without knowing about it.

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