culinary masterclass

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hey guys, i would like to inform you about a terrible, absolutely disgusting thing i cooked up like 2 days ago.

i fried some eggs and put a cold yoghurt fish salad and mixed it with it.

it looked really terrible smelled bad and the taste was alright but was ruined by the fact how it looked and smelled and the cold salad mixed with the warm eggs.

i still ate all of it though.

7/10 would cook again.


it looked really terrible smelled bad and the taste was alright but was ruined by the fact how it looked and smelled and the cold salad mixed with the warm eggs.

that's what she sai-

goofyahh1447 [#2]

it looked really terrible smelled bad and the taste was alright but was ruined by the fact how it looked and smelled and the cold salad mixed with the warm eggs.

that's what she sai-


goofyahh1447 [#2]

it looked really terrible smelled bad and the taste was alright but was ruined by the fact how it looked and smelled and the cold salad mixed with the warm eggs.

that's what she sai-

you couldve included the line under it too

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