As far as I'm aware, they seem like baloney pulled out of an ass's ass. His allegations are unfounded and quite weak tbh. I looked at some of the clips he highlighted and I can't see any issue with them.
- Split clip B rotate: Incognito saw OP main, lovers rock only saw Viper push B main. Safe to assume that they're doing a mid split or playing default. At least 1 player probably lurking around A. He then should've heard Viper back off, which could potentially tell of a rotate (because OP is playing B). Knowing they don't have info mid, the Cypher backs off into CT and they play together to gamble a counter from Incognito's rotate. This proved to work out well, and I guess a bit of luck could be a factor in all this. Nothing suspicious.
- Split clip Cypher clear A main bottom: Cypher was lurking around A, and slowly clears A main bottom instead of top first, which is somewhat suspect. However, upon further consideration, he could simply have believed that a player had pushed up close, and he just got the better of the situation after clearing it.
- Bind clip postplant: Very ordinary and standard postplant 1v2. He's looking into a wall because his crosshair will be head level once he swings (he probably knew nobody was close).
- Lotus A rubble retreat: I think xazyyyy wanted to highlight the fact that one of the guys (I forgot who) looked in the general direction of the other sites. I think that is just a coincidence and it's pretty stretched to call cheats for that one.
- Breeze lovers rock Jett knife flick elbow: Good flick dude!
I think that's it. I don't believe Chipi Chapas is cheating and I won't change my mind unless compelling evidence appears.