S: NRG- LEV (both are super teams, nrg with 5 players who have been international champions and lev with 2 world champions + kingg probably the 3rd best igl in the world in fire power)
A: SEN-lOUD-G2 (For me, any of these 3 teams can fight on par with tier S, regardless of the change of blades for qck, I feel that loud is preparing an innovative style of play, g2 has all the potential, and sentinels we have already seen it play better way in the off session)
B: 100T-KRU-C9-FURIA (I think 100t with the entry of boostio, the team play will be better, I think it will be a more mature and professional team, everyone looks down on Kru but they have Keznit, the 3rd best duelist last season, pushing the team hard even when he leaves 0-9, they have shyy who was lev's 2nd best player last year and as a sentinel and viper he is very good, and people who don't know mta will be surprised with his talent since we will see him raze in at least 2 maps and you will see the firepower he has, Melser manages the team excellently, although Klauss is not the best player on this team but if he won the position in the tryous it is for a reason, c9 seeing how he played in the off session I know They have the talent to fight with anyone.)
C:EG - MIBR(On the downside, I think they will have reasonably good players so as not to be last and I feel like they can surprise, people don't expect anything from them and that would be their ace up their sleeve since they won't have pressure from the public and fans.)
If you think the top is wrong, you can argue why and we will debate calmly, have a good day :)