Martinao [#5]
I’m not passionate about it you get me? During the holidays it’s quite nice to get out of your city and get to know new places and countries but I don’t necessarily have to travel for 6 months or even a year.
It’s just the constant comparison with others. Why do they love traveling so much? Why don’t I have their drive to go out and explore the world?
Why am I sitting in my room all day and wasting my time?
How do they accomplish these things so well even though they’re not as clever as me?
Not every experience leads to a positive development, a growth; sometimes it stunts you instead. Don't rush into something, try to be better than you were yesterday and keep trying, we can never distinct the different stages of growth, but we notice it once we reach high enough.
I feel you, my friend is going on a Japan transfer, others are constantly doing things and here I am, always perturbed by whether I am making any progress or not. I don't know if things will work out, or if I am even doing the right thing but I can't think that far ahead, I can't predict the future, I can't even predict who I'll be by the end of this year. So, I just try to take one step at a time.
We all enjoy different things, I do like travelling but I can't anymore but do not think of yourself as any less for not liking something, just take it as you being more unique than them :)
It's easy to say "dw" or just give advice, but I hope things work out for you, good luck.