DRX ascent

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Anyone know why they decided to play breach instead of KAYO on ascent? is it just experimenting or a permanent change


Lot of teams have tried it probably bc the meta shifting more towards overwhelming instead of supressing sentis in ascent. I remember loud trying breach fade i dont see these combs being better than the standard for now tho.


hes actually quite underrated in ascent, theres really good stun lines and its very easy to fight for any of the mains.

i think he work best at a triple init comp with kayo and fade, just like m80 ran, i actually like that.

but yeah, its probably just an experimenting since ascent meta is very set in stone.

alecksdesk [#3]

hes actually quite underrated in ascent, theres really good stun lines and its very easy to fight for any of the mains.

i think he work best at a triple init comp with kayo and fade, just like m80 ran, i actually like that.

but yeah, its probably just an experimenting since ascent meta is very set in stone.

that m80 comp was lowkey fire to watch in ascension. was really nice to watch not the same comp over and over

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