Riot has stated that their goal is for gc to be the place for women to play and move into the international leagues. Most people agree that the reason men dominate in esports is not for any physical reason like athletic sports, but because more men play games, and they have played for longer. eventually it should equalize. it's not necessarily that gc will merge with the main leagues, it's that eventually there will be no need for gc because all the other leagues will be more open to women players because there are more and they will be more skilled than they are now. Valorant has far more women players than any most fps game (this is purely anecdotal but having played the game since release, valorant probably has the most women in the fanbase of any game I've play besides maybe OW). The main problem right now is that lots of gc players get paid more and get more clout playing for gc teams than t2 teams to actually qualify for challengers so there's no incentive besides ambition.