- yay
- shao
- ardiis
- ange1
- boaster (on this list for being a dephh pro max)
- stax
- koldamenta
- leaf
- chet
- derrek
azureblade101 [#6]how old is this list?
from what ive seen:
yay looks slimmer in that bleed anouncement video
shao isnt even fat
boaster is a twig
stax is just face fat (also a twig)
koldamenta looks jacked
chet lost hella weight
derrek isnt even fat (same like stax)
why are you fatshaming my top 10 burger eaters..
ionlyHave1Zuni [#9]Less number 1 mcdonalds merchant
he would take up all of the list so he was excluded
jk jk