scallop united esports
Stop simping with something u don't know
Orangepanda [#2] Stop simping with something u don't know
boy3c is my best friend orange panda
🍊 🐼
scallop flair when?
Conut [#6] scallop flair when?
do u yhink vlr would actually give us one
wanna draw it urself
lielahh [#7] do u yhink vlr would actually give us one wanna draw it urself
Im an artist, ill have it done in a few
Conut [#8] Im an artist, ill have it done in a few
Oshawott fighting
lielahh [#9] Oshawott fighting
permission to add jigglypuff
Conut [#10] permission to add jigglypuff
U can add jigglypuff!,!