LOUD 2024 and cauanzin

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Saadhak went to a podcast yesterday and said once again that this year they were focusing in developing the rookies and make it to master/champions, BUT he also said that 2024 will be different because they will not be rookies anymore, so they will aim for the top this time.

That being said, i have to talk about cauanzin... this guy have the talent to become one of the bests, if not the best initiator in the next years. He played very good this year, but I thought he could do a lot more than that and saadhak confirmed that in the podcast... in short he was talking abt the rookies, talked about tuyz and said cauanzin didn't show off enough yet, that he thinks different from other players and next year he will surprise even more.

Aspas was a gem that outshined others, but I feel like cauanzin will shine just as much, so watch out for this guy.

saadhak said they will do some crazy stuff at the start... if things go wrong maybe they will have a slow start, so please doubt them so they receive the underdog buff, thank you


Tough year ahead ... I want to see goatzin and less win but i also want to see super lev win but i also wanna see wancada win


Mt cético em relação a esse qck na LOUD, mas com ctz teve todo um processo pra essa contratação ser aprovada e se o sadhaak aprovou, resta confiar

juugobr_ [#3]

Mt cético em relação a esse qck na LOUD, mas com ctz teve todo um processo pra essa contratação ser aprovada e se o sadhaak aprovou, resta confiar

o qck foi o melhor dos tryouts (tryout q teve menos de 5 dias pra cada)
logico q nao era ele q o saad queria LOGICO mas as opções foram poucas assim como nas escolhas pro time de 2023, isso por prisões contratuais ou quebra de expectativas q ele talvez tinha de alguns players

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