state of agents

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I think as time goes on we will just get more niche agents that are more "gimmicky" like iso and deadlock because analysts are saying those agents will never be meta. Maybe in the future agents will just be suited more for ranked play/fucking around rather than for pros. I dont play league but i know theres zac which looks pretty meme material to me LMAO and maybe there will be more agents like that in the future. take this with a grain of salt cause o wrote this post on a whim


Neither Iso or Deadlock are gimmicky, they just arent good, That different than gimmicky

B1itz [#2]

Neither Iso or Deadlock are gimmicky, they just arent good, That different than gimmicky

deadlock will be meta whenever they add LOS to her trips,

iso there’s nothing you can do to make him meta in pro play, maybe make his wall be able to stop on command but no flashes and no advanced movement as a duelist makes it hard to be played

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