Sentinels losing is crazy lol

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It's actually crazy if you think about it, but then tbf it's just a showmatch.




people say 'lmao at reading so much into an offseason match' but seriously how can the 5 names of the sen roster lose to the 5 names on MxS. The price tag of these people should dictate they have to be playing upside down and inverted to even come close to losing to even a top t2 team. Mark my words it will be another 8th place finish for FRAUD Moore's team

LyCan52 [#2]


Not even an excuse, it’s just showmatch kkkkk

chauste [#3]

people say 'lmao at reading so much into an offseason match' but seriously how can the 5 names of the sen roster lose to the 5 names on MxS. The price tag of these people should dictate they have to be playing upside down and inverted to even come close to losing to even a top t2 team. Mark my words it will be another 8th place finish for FRAUD Moore's team

tbh not using any excuses but MxS best map is ascent that’s like there god map, and haven sentinels just looked poorly on it, idk if it’s lack of time on it or holding strats, probably just a shit map tbh it was there perma ban map last season

and ur making it seem like MxS are bums are something there one of the favorites to win ascension this year lmaooo

Shawn23 [#5]

tbh not using any excuses but MxS best map is ascent that’s like there god map, and haven sentinels just looked poorly on it, idk if it’s lack of time on it or holding strats, probably just a shit map tbh it was there perma ban map last season

and ur making it seem like MxS are bums are something there one of the favorites to win ascension this year lmaooo

Yeah I mean MxS (MxM) was 3rd place in a stacked Americas Ascension

Shawn23 [#5]

tbh not using any excuses but MxS best map is ascent that’s like there god map, and haven sentinels just looked poorly on it, idk if it’s lack of time on it or holding strats, probably just a shit map tbh it was there perma ban map last season

and ur making it seem like MxS are bums are something there one of the favorites to win ascension this year lmaooo

their best map is probably lotus but ascent and haven are strong for them too, and they have very little experience with bind so the blowout there was unsurprising

finnwithtwons [#7]

their best map is probably lotus but ascent and haven are strong for them too, and they have very little experience with bind so the blowout there was unsurprising

mCe has literally stated ascent is there god map lol

chauste [#3]

people say 'lmao at reading so much into an offseason match' but seriously how can the 5 names of the sen roster lose to the 5 names on MxS. The price tag of these people should dictate they have to be playing upside down and inverted to even come close to losing to even a top t2 team. Mark my words it will be another 8th place finish for FRAUD Moore's team

"how could they possibly lose to a team thats had significantly more time to practice and has shown to be genuinely very talented individually"

Shawn23 [#8]

mCe has literally stated ascent is there god map lol

and mxm went 2/2 on it last year lmao
like i said it's a strong map for them but their lotus is objectively better especially with flyuh's calling
teams would let them have lotus and they'd fuck peoples shit on it


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