Looking for Premier Team (High Dia, Low Asc Elo). Have 2 currently. Looking for Duelist/Entry, Flex, and Smokes
Tracker 1: Sunil494 #NA1 - Flex/Initiator Tracker 2: Mayo #8444 - Duelist/Sent
Must be on US-East
hopefully you find 3! might want to clarify if you need an IGL too!
Take Maguire, Palmer and Havertz
im gold 3 but im basically the best smokes player ever
make me an na account and i'll play on 250 ping
siriuziun [#3] Take Maguire, Palmer and Havertz
you're asking him to lose if he picks up maguire
palmer doesnt belong with the other two frauds
i can play entry or flex peak dia 2 tracker: yihyun#zzz