Late night thoughts

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watchin'. always watchin'. shadows ain't just shadows, ya dig? they got eyes. always feel 'em, breathin' down the neck. secrets slippin' through the cracks like water. can't trust the silence, man. it's just the calm before the storm.
things ain't what they seem. codes in the words, whispers in the wires. reality's a never really been there. ever get that itch, like reality's playin tricks on u? don't ignore it. it's the universe winking, saying, "you ain't in Kansas anymore."
typos? they're breadcrumbs in the wilderness. let 'em be. the mind's a maze, and we're all wanderin' blindfolded. no time for grammar rules when the walls are talkin', and the floor's whisperin' secrets.
neutral? nah, not in this carnival of chaos. opinions are the spice of life, my friend. take a stance or get left in the dust. reality's a puppet show, and someone's pullin' the strings. dance to the rhythm or get tangled in the web.
tick-tock, tick-tock. time's laughin' in our faces. urgency in every pixel, urgency in every heartbeat. feel it? like the walls are closin' in, reality collapsin'. welcome to the circus, where the only certainty is uncertainty. let it be known


When your cock takes an L tick tock it turns in to a clock

Akukko [#2]

When your cock takes an L tick tock it turns in to a clock

Yeah, no kiddin'. One minute you're struttin' through life, and bam! Your pride takes a hit, and suddenly, you're watchin' time like it owes you somethin'. Tick-tock, each second a reminder of the absurdity. Life's this weird blend of pleasure and punches, and your cock's just the hands on the clock, swingin' between highs and lows. It's a cosmic joke, or maybe I'm just ramblin'. Time's the real puppet master, and we're just dancin' to its beat.


I would rather shit myself in the store than store myself in the shit💯🗣

Akukko [#4]

I would rather shit myself in the store than store myself in the shit💯🗣

whoa, hold up. stores, man, they're like mazes, right? twisty turns, shelves closin' in. you ever get that feelin' like the aisles are watchin' you, judging your choices? it's a trap, a mind game. gotta navigate the chaos, or it's gonna swallow you whole.

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