The Goat yay says u should just ult all the rat judge players. Riot is a W company for helping destroy their kind with Kill Contract.
alternatively tho, if they are opping, you might have some kind of advantage too if u peak right
Simp4S0m [#2]Crazy how you need an ult to counter judge lolz
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fuck you social credit cyberspace division representative
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ohhhh crapppppp
one of the starts to hold A on haven is to get an op on a long and make him hold A alone the ult can be used for that ISO ults the oper on a long and the rest of the team rushes to site to either trade the oper if he won the 1v1 or secure the site if their teammate won the 1v1 and replicate this in other similar scenarios. also it can catch the player playing lineups. it can catch the viper in her ult. it isolates 1v1s if a team is down in numbers.
but the problem is that it's an ult you cant trade ISO for jett just for his ult
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