VCT/Ascension System

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Can promoted ascension teams, like ex guard players, still play in ascension this year to keep their spot?

Because from what I understand, they'll be able to play in riot events for 2 years, but after that year, will they have to leave the tier 1 scene for a year and play ascension during that gap year again? Or can they still play in ascension while being in VCT to be able to keep their spot?


the org they are in will be removed in 2 years, however if the players are good enough throughout those 2 years, then they can individually move onto other franchised teams

only the org that ascended gets removed

azureblade101 [#2]

the org they are in will be removed in 2 years, however if the players are good enough throughout those 2 years, then they can individually move onto other franchised teams

only the org that ascended gets removed

but they cant keep their spot as the same 5 man roster for a year at least?


but they cant keep their spot as the same 5 man roster for a year at least?

nope, after those 2 years, the org is back into ascension, the 5 man roster MIGHT stay together but thats only IF another franchised team wants to sign ALL 5 of them, which will almost never happen

so basically they will never see each other again on the same team in 2 years, unless they want to run it back in ascension, which is stupid

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